Black Hack for the Win!

Want a cheap streamlined OSR Ruleset from the UK Tradition of Grimdark?

Peter Regan (Oubliette Fanzine and Square Hex gaming stationary) who has a flawless delivery record is the publisher behind it.  So I’m in on it 🙂

Here’s the blurb from the KS

The Black Hack is a super-streamlined roleplaying game that uses the Original 1970s Fantasy Roleplaying Game as a base, and could well be the most straightforward modern OSR compatible clone available. If speed of play and character creation, compatibility, and simple – yet elegant rules are what you yearn for. Look no further!

The Black Hack is a fast playing game and the rules can be picked up in minutes. The full rules fit in a single 20 page A5 book!

This campaign will fund a professional print run of the rule book, and if we make some Stretch Goals, add a few additional items to complement the game.

Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words 🙂

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