Bryan Talbot is one of the UK’s best comic artists and writers. He has numerous credits for 2000AD inc. Judge Dredd and most famously Nemesis the Warlock in the 80s and is therefore officially British Old School.
If that wasn’t enough he’s got his own creator owned title, Luther Arkwritght, that he’s been working on since the 70s. It’s an exciting multiverse hopping saga that is spans across two epic comic collections, The Adventures of Luther Arkwright and Heart of the Empire. Its got elements of Steam Punk, occultism, mad science, satire on the British monarchy and society. In short its a rich setting ripe with story telling potential…
…and The Design Mechanism are doing a self-contained RPG powered by RQ6.
Oh my I think I’ve wet myself with glee 🙂
Here’s the cover that they just released (comments on the G+ thread indicates its currently in proof).
More about the game in the press release that originally announced it back in 2012.
If you want to check out the comic as well as the collected versions available via Amazon, there’s a CD with everything + notes and commentaries over at Bryan Talbot’s own site.