Our upcoming release of Paul Mitchener’s Dimension Hopping Fantasy Adventure game, Beyond Dread Portals, now has a cover courtesy of Jon Hodgson.
Hoping to Kickstart this one, once I’ve cleared the decks of some outstanding work, probably either by the end of this year or at the start of next year.
I’ve got a full draft of the game, which initially started off as Paul’s homage to Planescape, but mutated into its own thing. It’s a large fantasy setting, where a magical city-state of Ys sits at the centre of an empire of other worlds connected by magic portals (hence the title). Its also a ruleset – which I’m tagging as post-D&D. It takes D&D as its starting point and then cuts and adds to it to make the ruleset match the setting. The nearest analogy is I can make if that second wave of AD&D 1st edition settings (Planescape, Dark Sun, Ravenloft etc.) had been self-contained games with modified D&D based rulesets. Bear in mind Paul also takes into consideration 30 years of games design on top of that, although he does so in a way that isn’t jarring to the starting point.
So in short, I’ve got a cover for this 260-page beast, which is when things start getting real and beyond the point of no return.
Expect more updates and previews over the coming months 🙂
Very beatiful – this may be the best Jon Hodgson Cover yet, period – a little different from his TOR/BtW work (which I love, but which has also become a little one-note over time). It actually has a slight D&D5 vibe, which seems to be fitting.
I’m really looking forward to it – I actually had the privilege to get a look at the draft (and never gave feedback – very sorry about that), and I not only liked the setting, but also the tuels that work in some modern concepts and still manage to simplify the OSR framework that they’re built from.