Finally, Tournaments of Madness and Death is done!
PDF versions to backers who got it as part of the C&T Kickstarter many moons ago, then I’ll be opening pre-orders via the D101 Games web store, later today.
What started off as a pair of scrappy convention scenarios, have been polished up by the editorial of Paul Mitchener some playtesting via Julian Hayley , the inspirational art of Daniel Barker inside, the brilliant illustrative maps of Golden Ennie award winner Glynn Seal (MonkeyBlood Design) and topped up by the insanely brilliant cover art of David M Wright. I lost the faith with this one, but these folks work has dragged me out of the creative rut and brought me to a place of immense satisfaction 🙂
Onwards to the next C&T adventure book…Under Dark Spires 🙂

Tournaments of Madness and Death cover by David M. Wright

Introduction to The Furnace adventure, art by Daniel Barker