Just in details of fellow Brits Cakebread & Walton’s crazy Winter Holiday Sale 40%-60% off until 2nd January on DriveThruRpg.com. Remember they are publishers of the damn fine Clockwork & Chivalry and Pirates & Dragons, both based of OpenQuest. If you’ve not checked out these games now is the time 🙂
Here’s the announcement in full:
Don’t miss the MASSIVE Cakebread & Walton Holiday Sale! All our PDFs have 40% off until 2nd January! Pick up the titles you’re missing! Try something new! The sale that Oliver Cromwell tried to ban!
Also, don’t miss our super deal bundles!
50% off the complete OneDice bundle – everything for the OneDice system in the ALL FOR ONEDICE! ONEDICE FOR ALL! bundle.
60% off the complete Renaissance bundle – everything for the Renaissance system in the RENAISSANCE: LOCK, STOCK & BARREL bundle!
Note: if you already own some of the titles in the bundle, you’ll get a discount.
browse/pub/4595/Cakebread– Walton?src=dtrpgsaleguide