A quick round-up of some of the things that have caught my eye recently going on in the UK OSR. Apologies in advance if I’ve missed stuff off , point it out in the comments below and I’ll give it a shout out later.
D101 Specific
I went to 7 Hills Gaming convention in Sheffield last weekend. Failed to run any OpenQuest (boo hiss!) but ran my tribute to the Fighting Fantasy books of my youth The Sorcerer Under the Mountain, using the recently released Black Hack.At some point I’ll write this adventure up and get it on the release schedule. I also got to play Village of Homlett using 13th Age.
New mini-supplement for OpenQuest, The Clockwork Palace by Paul Mitchener, was released.
OpenQuest Basics is now available with full colour art. If you have the previous art free B&W edition please redownload it. Since it was paid for by the OpenQuest 2 crowdfunding campaign (many moons ago now in 2012) its available for free. I’m working on getting it available in print (mainly so I can sell it at cons and through the soon to be unravelled D101 Webstore).
Other publishers/people
The Black Hack, a lovely little 20 page OSR rule set optimised for quick convention and online play has been released. I’ve run it a couple of times now, at home and at 7 Hills and it works a treat.
Kristen Richards (Age of Shadows) is back with the second issue of his ‘Neath the Shadow Zine for Age of Shadows but usable for OpenQuest.
Jonny Gray whose done some work for me in the past, and in the future when I get Chronicles of Erun out, has a new Patreon campaign to produce art for RPGs. Not only is he a wildly enusatic member of UK OSR Google Hangouts, his work tends to be on the grim and gritty side of things which a perfect fit for UK OSR Grimdark. Go check it out.