Lone Wolf Gamebooks to be published by Cubicle 7

A big part of my gaming yoof in the 80s, Joe Denver’s Lone Wolf gamebooks are to be published by the fine folk over at Cubicle 7, who recently released the inspiring Lone Wolf Roleplaying game via Kickstarter (which I must review soonish, but fully recommend).

Here’s the announcement:

We are delighted to announce that we have secured the rights to publish Joe Dever’s world-famous Lone Wolf gamebooks!

The agreement covers all English language editions of the best-selling solo adventure gamebook series, including brand new titles and out-of-print volumes. The initial release will be the highly-anticipated Lone Wolf 29: The Storms of Chai – the first wholly new Lone Wolf gamebook in over 17 years.

Fans of the ‘Collector Series’ hardbacks will now have the chance to complete their collections. Cubicle 7 will continue to release the books in this established format, re-publish the out of print volumes and fully complete the series.

“I’m very happy to be bringing my Lone Wolf gamebooks to Cubicle 7,” said author, Joe Dever. “The C7 team are very talented and a delight to work with. They’ve done a fantastic job with the Lone Wolf Adventure Game. This deal is wonderful news for all my loyal fans. It makes perfect sense to have all things Lone Wolf gathered together under one roof, and Cubicle 7 has proved beyond doubt its uncompromising commitment to quality.”

“Lone Wolf gamebooks introduced a huge number of people to fantasy gaming – myself included,” said Cubicle 7 CEO, Dominic McDowall. “It’s truly an honour to be involved with the Lone Wolf legend and we at Cubicle 7 are proud to be able to introduce Joe’s awe-inspiring creation to a whole new generation.”

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