This was a pleasant surprise present for me the other day. Kristian Richards who is the author/artist/layout guy of the rather splendid Age of Shadow RPG, which is based of the OpenQuest SRD, sent me a copy of his rather smart A5 Fanzine ‘Neath the Shadow’ for Age of Shadow. Its a nice light read, with a couple of detailed encounters, a magic item and some quick rules for Age of Shadow. Its black and white through out with art mainly being the rather speliendid maps that Kristian produces (check out his Little Book of Dungeons book). I’ve got one of the hand made copies, with its nice pale blue card cover lovingly hand made by Kristian himself, the POD version available via lulu has a lovely colour cover.
I’m a big fan of Age of Shadow. Kristian took the OQ SRD and built a nice little RPG for some Silmarillion style fantasy action, so I’m pleased to see that its getting even a little bit of additional support 🙂
Neath the Shadow Fanzine
Crooked Staff Procutions blog
Age of Shadow RPG