Back in Feb I wrote a charming little adventure for OpenQuest, called the ‘Road to Hell’. Spurred on by the nastiness that I was creating at the time for Crypts and Things and a huge guilt that I had nothing lined up on the OpenQuest front, I sat down and hammered RtH out.
Currently its a 10 page adventure, a small viscous thing that is designed as a Dark Fantasy adventure, to showcase the Major Mental Damage rules and how to do horror in D100 fantasy. Quite simply play starts with the group on a road to nowhere in the middle of an idyllic countryside, something is spotted off the roadside and they find themselves literally sucked into a small Hell, inspired by the stomach churning blood soaked horror of Clive Barker. Also a classic RQ monster has found its home there and to it is literally Heaven. Oh and I managed to get a reference in to one of my favourite bands, Killing Joke, so all is good on the pop-culture reference stakes too 😉
In playtesting with my home group a couple of weekends ago, the 4 hour game racked up one heart attack, one near death mauling and one death, but for the grace of spending a Hero Point (so for all you hard-core D100 players who refuse to use Hero Points, that would be new character being rolled in your game 😉 ). They beat the scenario eventually, by bringing the ‘gruesome’ and by being even more devious and depraved than the evil inhabitants of the hell, but it was a challenge even for their twisted little minds. One of my player’s Guy said that a group that played it ‘straight’ would get mauled, and I have to agree. While I’m not a fan or creator of Killer Dungeons, I like my adventures to be challenging and push the players. This adventure with its simple premise and twist, hits that for me. Oh and I gave them veteran level characters, best skills 85-100 and 9 pts Magic, and it was still tough 🙂
I’m running it again at Furnace Convention in a couple of weeks time. Art has already been commissioned, so some time before Xmas it will get pdf release.
Sounds fun!! lol!! Must get you to run it for me at the next con I see you at!!!